Monday, January 17, 2011

Removing Stains from Winter Boots/Shoes

In this winter weather, it is most aggravating to buy a new pair of boots, having to walk places in the snow (and sometimes not even the snow, just slush and left-over salt), and then having your boots and/or shoes left with salt residue (that nasty, ugly white ring around the outside of your shoes). I seem to have this problem all the time because of walking back and forth to class. I always try to clean it with just hot water and a wash cloth, but lately it is just not cutting it. Therefore, I’ve done a little researching and I’ve found an excellent way to clean off those boots, so you can continue wearing them through any weather, and they will look just as good as when you purchased them.
Items you will need:
·         Mild dish detergent such as Dawn
·         Cold water
·         Soft Cloth
·         Clean soft toothbrush or Nubuck brush (designed for suede)

Steps to remove the stain:

  1. Before you begin, spot test your boots in a hidden area (this is in order to make sure that this process will not remove the color from your boots).
  2. Mix a small amount of dish detergent in cold water. You don’t want too much soap or it, too, will leave a residue on your suede.
  3. Dip the soft cloth in the soap and water solution and pat or blot the stains on the boots. Scrubbing may remove color, so do so at your own risk.
  4. Allow to dry naturally. If spots remain, repeat as needed.
  5. Once the stain is gone and the boot is dry, use the brush to gently lift the nap of the suede to restore the original appearance.

These steps were received from

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