Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Invention of Shoes

First, I’ll start off with a little background on shoes and how they were first originated. According to, the very first shoe was created in order to protect an individual’s foot from walking on the hard ground, rocks, etc. No one can actually be completely sure as to what the date was in which the first shoe was created, however, there were many references to shoes throughout the Bible.
The very first shoe was a plain piece of grass or rawhide which was strapped to the foot. Throughout this website, it mentions that sandals were first created and designed in Egypt; in warm countries, sandals are still the most commonly worn type of footwear. This is simply because they provide protection for the bottom of the foot from hard or uneven surfaces, and they also let the foot breathe by allowing air to flow through because the top of the foot is not completely covered.
In other countries, such as Japan, the type of sandal that individual’s were wearing set a status symbol. These distinctions between the sandals could be maintained through creating a different shape of sandal, or incorporating different symbols and colors into the design.
At the beginning of shoe creation, shoes were made with simple hand tools, by individuals. However, the United States were able to invent the first successful machinery for shoe making. This was called the Rolling Machine, which worked by pounding sole leather.

(Information received from, which referenced the United Shoe Machinery Corporation)

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