Sunday, March 13, 2011

Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin is a footwear fashion designer, who helped bring stilettos back into fashion in the 1990s and 2000s, designing dozens of styles, including heel heights of four and a half inches and higher. The designer's professed goal is to “make a woman look sexy, beautiful, to make her legs look as long as he can” state Christian Louboutin, himself. While he does offer some lower-heeled styles, Louboutin focuses most of his efforts on designing styles which are generally dressier, and more for eveningwear, these include designs such as shoes with the following: bejeweled straps, bows, feathers, patent leather and other, similar decorative touche.
Louboutin’s signature on the shoes is the red soles. He has described the story behind the red soles as, "In 1992, I incorporated the red sole into the design of my shoes. This happened by accident as I felt that the shoes lacked energy so I applied red nail polish to the sole of a shoe. This was such a success that it became a permanent fixture."
Oprah, one of the richest and famous women alive, is known for wearing these heels. She stated one of her recent episodes of her “favorite things” that these shoes were one of them. After Oprah mentioned this, the Louboutin shoes pretty much took off. These shoes cost around twelve hundred dollars, very pricey. However, some individuals feel that these shoes are worth the price. Below is a featured picture of a pair of Louboutin heels, notice the signature red heel.

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